Important Things For A Successful Start

1.  Make a list of as many homeowners as you can, min 5 max 20
2. Make a list of business partners you would like, min 5 max 20
3. Make sure you are familiar with your recruiter which can be found on
4. If you are unfamiliar with your recruiter, you can reach out to me directly Salvatore Salamone  954 549 5954 cell 
5. We have Free training Mon, Tues, Wed, and Friday at noon EST at
6. We also have Tuesday and Thursday Trainings at 9pm at
7.  On Thursday at 1130am EST we have a meeting with top solar pros nationwide corp call
8. We have more specialized training sessions available, get with your recruiter or trainer
9. Please let us know what type of assistance you might need, you can email me at
10. More great things and a new team website coming soon

Below you will find a recording of a recent orientation sesion.

Welcome to Apricot Solar Launch As Part of Apriscott of 

Team Fast and Furious!!  You got this invite because you or your recruiter are a direct part of this team.  More Updates!